"Account.AddLogo": "Add logo",
"Account.Certificates": "Certificates",
"Account.Logout": "Log out",
"Account.Settings": "Settings",
"Account.Upgrade": "Upgrade",
"AddDocumentToFolderModal.BoxNotification.NoFolders": "You can add documents to many different folders that you create.",
"AddDocumentToFolderModal.List.Title": "Select a folder",
"AddDocumentToFolderModal.Title": "Add to folder",
"AnyQes.Modal.Button.Cancel": "Maybe later",
"AnyQes.Modal.Button.TryOut": "Try Out",
"AnyQes.Modal.Subtitle": "Send a document for signature without worrying about what qualified signature others have. From now on, recipients will be able to sign a document using one of the more than several hundred signatures available throughout the European Union!",
"AnyQes.Modal.Title": "New! Sign documents with any qualified signature!",
"Apps,Verify": "E-signature validator",
"Apps.Account": "Account",
"Apps.Broker": "Broker ID",
"Apps.ClassicSign": "Autenti Classic",
"Apps.Contacts": "Contacts",
"Apps.Dashboard": "Main panel",
"Apps.Docs": "Documents",
"Apps.MyDocs": "My Documents",
"Apps.Processes": "Processes",
"Apps.SharedDocs": "Shared documents",
"Apps.Templates": "Templates",
"Apps.Validator": "Qualified validator",
"BottomNav.More": "More",
"BulkSigning.CannotSignDocuments.LessThanTwo": "You cannot sign less than two documents in a mass signing process.",
"BulkSigning.Documents.AuthorizationRequired": "Some or all of the documents to be signed require additional SMS authorisation. We have sent a message with a one-time SMS code to your telephone number {number}.",
"BulkSigning.Failed.Subtitle": "The signing process was interrupted or failed. Try signing the documents again.",
"BulkSigning.Failed.Title": "An error occurred and the documents could not be signed",
"BulkSigning.FinishedIncomplete.Warning": "There were problems during the process and not all documents were signed.",
"BulkSigning.HideModalInfo": "Hide the window to continue using the platform. The signing process will take place in the background.",
"BulkSigning.InProcess": "You are in the process of mass signing documents.",
"BulkSigning.LoadingProcessDataError": "Error loading process data",
"BulkSigning.OnlyOneProcessAllowed": "Only one mass signing process can be running at a time. Wait until the current process is complete.",
"BulkSigning.SendSmsError": "An error occurred while sending the code.",
"BulkSigning.TryAgainRefreshData": "Try again and refresh the data.",
"BulkSigningDocuments.Empty.Description": "Here you will see the documents that you can sign in bulk. Currently, you can sign 50 documents requiring an Autenti e-signature at the same time in a single process.",
"BulkSigningDocuments.Empty.Text": "Here you will see the documents that you can sign in bulk. Currently, you can sign 30 documents requiring an Autenti e-signature at the same time in one process.",
"BulkSigningDocuments.Empty.Title": "No documents for mass signature",
"BulkSigningDocuments.Empty.Tooltip": "You do not have documents for mass signing.",
"BulkSigningDocuments.List.BoxNotification": "Select up to 30 documents to sign at once. You can now sign documents requiring an Autenti e-signature in bulk .",
"BulkSigningDocuments.List.BoxNotification.Error": "Mark at least one document for signature.",
"BulkSigningDocuments.List.BoxNotification.Info.Text": "You can now sign documents requiring an Autenti e-signature in bulk.",
"BulkSigningDocuments.List.BoxNotification.Text": "Select up to 50 documents to sign at once. You can now sign documents requiring an Autenti e-signature in bulk .",
"BulkSigningDocuments.List.Header.CheckAll": "Mark all",
"BulkSigningDocuments.List.Header.DisabledCheckbox.Limit.Number.Tooltip": "You can sign up to 50 documents at a time.",
"BulkSigningDocuments.List.Header.DisabledCheckbox.NumberLimit.Tooltip": "You can sign up to 30 documents at a time.",
"BulkSigningDocuments.List.Header.DisabledCheckbox.TypeLimit.Tooltip": "At the same time, you can sign documents without authorisation and with SMS authorisation on the same phone number.",
"BulkSigningDocuments.List.Header.NoAuthorization": "No SMS authorisation",
"BulkSigningDocuments.List.Header.PhoneAuthorization": "SMS authorisation to",
"BulkSigningDocuments.List.Header.PhoneAuthorization.Tooltip": "The sender requires you to authorise with an SMS code when signing the document. The code will come to the phone number provided.",
"BulkSigningDocuments.List.ListItem.DisabledCheckbox.NumberLimit.Tooltip": "You can sign up to 30 documents at a time.",
"BulkSigningDocuments.List.ListItem.DisabledCheckbox.TypeLimit.Tooltip": "At the same time, you can sign documents without authorisation and with SMS authorisation on the same phone number.",
"BulkSigningDocuments.List.Title": "Sign en masse",
"BulkSigningModal.Content": "From today, you can sign documents in bulk in a single process.",
"BulkSigningModal.Description": "From today, you can sign up to 50 documents simultaneously, in a single process.",
"BulkSigningModal.Restricted.Description": "From today, you can sign documents in bulk in a single process. Contact the sales department to subscribe to the functionality.",
"BulkSigningModal.Title": "Mass signing of documents!",
"BW2024PromoBanner.Button": "I want to get",
"BW2024PromoBanner.Text": "Reduce paperwork and stay compliant -50% off any annual subscription plan!",
"ClassicsignRedesign.Modal.Button.GoToClassicsign": "Go to Autenti Classic",
"ClassicsignRedesign.Modal.Subtitle": "Sign documents more conveniently in the refreshed signing panel on Autenti Classic.",
"ClassicsignRedesign.Modal.Title": "A completely new look!",
"Code.AskForNew.InTime": "Ask for a new one for: {time}",
"Code.DidNotReceive": "Have you not received the code?",
"Code.Resend": "Resend code",
"ConfirmSubmission.OfSignatures": "Confirmation of signatures",
"Consent.ToDocuments": "Consent to documents",
"CreateDocument.Empty": "Open a blank document",
"CreateDocument.Empty.Description": "Create a new document from scratch and fill in the required fields",
"CreateDocument.InProcess": "Create a document in the process",
"CreateDocument.InProcess.Description": "Create a document using personalised content",
"Declarations.CheckAll": "Mark all statements",
"Docs.Sidebar.Archived": "Archives",
"Docs.Sidebar.CreateDocument": "Create a document",
"Docs.Sidebar.DocumentsCounter": "Documents sent {usage}/{limit}",
"Docs.Sidebar.DocumentsCounter.Tooltip.Expiration": "Valid until: {expirationDate} ({days})",
"Docs.Sidebar.DocumentsCounter.Tooltip.Free.Limit": "Your limit {limit} will renew",
"Docs.Sidebar.DocumentsCounter.Tooltip.Free.Limit.Documents": "{limit} of documents",
"Docs.Sidebar.DocumentsCounter.Tooltip.LimitReached": "You have reached your document limit.",
"Docs.Sidebar.DocumentsCounter.Tooltip.OnlyReceiveDocuments": "Currently you can only receive documents.",
"Docs.Sidebar.DocumentsCounter.Tooltip.Trial.Limit": "Your document limit is {limit}",
"Docs.Sidebar.DocumentsCounter.Tooltip.Upgrade": "Upgrade your plan to send documents with no limitations.",
"Docs.Sidebar.Draft": "Drafts",
"Docs.Sidebar.Received": "Received",
"Docs.Sidebar.Sent": "Sent",
"Docs.Sidebar.UpgradePlan": "{upgradePlan} to send documents",
"Document.Details.ActionButton.Approve": "Approve",
"Document.Details.ActionButton.Download": "Download",
"Document.Details.ActionButton.Review": "Give your opinion",
"Document.Details.ActionButton.SeeDocument": "Go to the document",
"Document.Details.ActionButton.View": "View document",
"Document.Details.AdditionalText.Approve": "You will proceed to the approving process",
"Document.Details.AdditionalText.Review": "You will proceed to the review process",
"Document.Details.AdditionalText.Sign": "You will proceed to the signing process",
"Document.History.Title.Approved": "Document approved",
"Document.History.Title.HandedOver": "Document handed over",
"Document.History.Title.NotApproved": "Document rejected",
"Document.History.Title.NotReviewed": "Negative review",
"Document.History.Title.Rejected": "Document rejected",
"Document.History.Title.Reminded": "Sending a reminder",
"Document.History.Title.Reviewed": "Positive review",
"Document.History.Title.Signed": "Document signed",
"Document.History.Title.Viewed": "Document viewed",
"Document.History.Title.Withdrawn": "Document withdrawn",
"Document.Recipient.Snackbar.Reminded": "A reminder has been sent.",
"DocumentDetails.OrderingOfSignatures.SendNotification": "The document sets the order of signing. To speed up the signing process, send a reminder to the first person on the list.",
"Documents.ActionIsland.CheckAll": "All",
"Documents.ActionIsland.Checked": "Marked",
"Documents.ActionIsland.Uncheck": "Unmark",
"Documents.BulkSigningDocuments.Restricted.Description": "Sign up to 50 documents simultaneously in a single process using Autenti e-signature. To enable the functionality, contact the Sales Department.",
"Documents.BulkSigningDocuments.Restricted.Header": "Purchase a mass signature service and increase the productivity and efficiency of your work.",
"Documents.Button.Actions.AddToFolder": "Add to folder",
"Documents.Button.Actions.Archive": "Archive",
"Documents.Button.Actions.Download": "Download",
"Documents.Button.Actions.Handover": "Forward",
"Documents.Button.Actions.Remove": "Delete",
"Documents.Button.Actions.RemoveFromFolder": "Delete from folder",
"Documents.Button.Actions.Unarchive": "Restore",
"Documents.Button.Actions.Withdraw": "Withdraw",
"Documents.Details.AccessBlocked.Button": "Send SMS code",
"Documents.Details.AccessBlocked.InputError.LastAttemptMessage": "The SMS code is incorrect. This is the last attempt, if you enter the wrong code again, access will be blocked for 1 hour.",
"Documents.Details.AccessBlocked.InputError.Message": "The SMS code is invalid. Other attempts: {attemptsLeft}",
"Documents.Details.AccessBlocked.Link": "Incorrect phone number?",
"Documents.Details.AccessBlocked.ResendCode.Info": "You didn't receive the code?",
"Documents.Details.AccessBlocked.ResendCode.InfoButton": "Send code again",
"Documents.Details.AccessBlocked.ResendCode.TimeWaiting": "Request a new one in{time}",
"Documents.Details.AccessBlocked.SmsCodeBlocked.Description": "The SMS code was entered incorrectly 3 times. Please wait for the document to be unlocked and try again {time}.",
"Documents.Details.AccessBlocked.SmsCodeBlocked.Title": "Access to the document blocked",
"Documents.Details.AccessBlocked.Text": "{sender} sends you a document. To view it, enter the one-time SMS code that will be sent to the phone number {phoneNumber} provided by the sender",
"Documents.Details.AccessBlocked.Title": "Access secured by SMS code",
"Documents.Details.AccessBlocked.Tooltip": "If the telephone number provided is incorrect, please contact the sender of the document:",
"Documents.Details.AccessForbidden.Text": "Document not found",
"Documents.Details.CreateDate": "Data and time of document creation",
"Documents.Details.DocumentDetails": "Document details",
"Documents.Details.DocumentId": "Document number",
"Documents.Details.DocumentName": "Document name",
"Documents.Details.Error.Header": "Error during loading",
"Documents.Details.Error.Subheader": "Try again and refresh the document.",
"Documents.Details.Files": "Source files",
"Documents.Details.Files.DownloadAllFiles": "Download all",
"Documents.Details.Message": "Message",
"Documents.Details.Sender.Label": "From:",
"Documents.Details.SenderMessage": "Message from the sender",
"Documents.Details.Status.Info.Failed": "Rejected: {date}",
"Documents.Details.Status.Info.Processing.WaitingForOthers": "The document is awaiting action from other recipients.",
"Documents.Details.Status.Info.Processing.WaitingForYourApprove": "You haven't approved it yet",
"Documents.Details.Status.Info.Processing.WaitingForYourReview": "You haven't given your opinion yet.",
"Documents.Details.Status.Info.Processing.WaitingForYourSign": "You haven't signed yet",
"Documents.Details.Status.Info.Processing.WaitingForYourView": "You haven't displayed it yet",
"Documents.Details.Status.Info.Success": "Completed: {date}",
"Documents.Details.Status.Info.Withdrawn": "Withdrawn: {date}",
"Documents.Details.Status.Title.Failed": "Document rejected",
"Documents.Details.Status.Title.Processing.WaitingForOthers": "Waiting for others",
"Documents.Details.Status.Title.Processing.WaitingForYourApprove": "Waiting for your approval",
"Documents.Details.Status.Title.Processing.WaitingForYourReview": "Waiting for your opinion",
"Documents.Details.Status.Title.Processing.WaitingForYourSign": "Waiting for your signature",
"Documents.Details.Status.Title.Processing.WaitingForYourView": "Waiting to be displayed",
"Documents.Details.Status.Title.Success": "Document completed by everyone!",
"Documents.Details.Status.Title.Withdrawn": "Document withdrawn",
"Documents.Details.Tags": "Labels",
"Documents.DocumentsAccess.Modal.Subtitle": "To see all documents sent within your company, click on \"Shared\". You can download, withdraw, or send reminders to recipients of these documents.",
"Documents.DocumentsAccess.Modal.Title": "You have access to all company documents.",
"Documents.DocumentsAccess.Modal.Understand": "I understand",
"Documents.Draft.Remove.Modal.Subtitle": "The entered data will be deleted and cannot be recovered.",
"Documents.Drafts.NoTitle": "(no title)",
"Documents.Drafts.Remove": "Delete drafts",
"Documents.Drafts.Remove.Plural": "Delete drafts",
"Documents.Drafts.Snackbar.Removed": "Draft removed.",
"Documents.Drafts.Snackbar.Removed.Plural": "Drafts removed.",
"Documents.Empty.Archived.Subtext": "Here you will find documents you have archived.",
"Documents.Empty.Archived.Text": "No documents in the archive",
"Documents.Empty.Drafts.Subtext": "Here you will find draft documents that have not been sent.",
"Documents.Empty.Drafts.Text": "No draft documents.",
"Documents.Empty.Folder.Subtext": "Add documents from the received and sent tab.",
"Documents.Empty.Folder.Text": "You have no documents added to the folder",
"Documents.Empty.Received.Subtext": "Here you will find all documents that someone has sent to you.",
"Documents.Empty.Received.Text": "No documents received",
"Documents.Empty.Sent.Subtext": "Send documents for signing and store them conveniently in your inbox.",
"Documents.Empty.Sent.Text": "Send your first document",
"Documents.Empty.Shared.Subtext": "You will find all shared documents here.",
"Documents.Empty.Shared.Text": "No shared documents",
"Documents.Filters.Button.Aria.Label": "Open filters",
"Documents.Filters.Clear": "Clear filters",
"Documents.Filters.Data": "Data",
"Documents.Filters.Data.Email": "Email address",
"Documents.Filters.Data.Email.Placeholder": "Enter e-mail",
"Documents.Filters.Data.Name": "First name",
"Documents.Filters.Data.Name.Placeholder": "Enter first name",
"Documents.Filters.Data.OrganizationName": "Company name",
"Documents.Filters.Data.OrganizationName.Placeholder": "Enter company name",
"Documents.Filters.Data.Surname": "Surname",
"Documents.Filters.Data.Surname.Placeholder": "Enter surname",
"Documents.Filters.Data.User.Receiver": "Recipients",
"Documents.Filters.Data.User.Sender": "Senders",
"Documents.Filters.Date": "Date scope",
"Documents.Filters.Date.From": "From",
"Documents.Filters.Date.From.Value": "From {value}",
"Documents.Filters.Date.To": "To",
"Documents.Filters.Date.To.Value": "By {value}",
"Documents.Filters.Date.Validation.DateTo.Wrong": "The \"From\" date cannot be later than the \"To\" date",
"Documents.Filters.DocumentStatus": "Document status",
"Documents.Filters.Receiver.Data": "Recipient data",
"Documents.Filters.Sender.Data": "Sender details",
"Documents.Filters.ShowResult": "Show results",
"Documents.Filters.Sort": "Sort",
"Documents.Filters.Sort.Newest": "From the newest",
"Documents.Filters.Sort.Oldest": "From the oldest",
"Documents.Filters.Status.Failure": "Rejected",
"Documents.Filters.Status.Success": "Completed",
"Documents.Filters.Status.ToApprove": "To be approved",
"Documents.Filters.Status.ToReview": "Waiting for the opinion",
"Documents.Filters.Status.ToSign": "To be signed",
"Documents.Filters.Status.Waiting": "Waiting for others",
"Documents.Filters.Status.Withdrawn": "Withdrawn",
"Documents.Filters.Tags": "Labels",
"Documents.Filters.Title": "Filters",
"Documents.Filters.Titletets": "Filters",
"Documents.HandOver.Modal.HandOverButton": "Forward",
"Documents.HandOver.Modal.Info": "By sending the document to another recipient, you will lose the right to sign it and the right to preview the document.",
"Documents.HandOver.Modal.PhoneLabel": "Mobile phone number of the recipient",
"Documents.HandOver.Modal.PhonePlaceholder": "Enter number",
"Documents.HandOver.Modal.SearchPlaceholder": "First name, surname or e-mail",
"Documents.HandOver.Modal.Snackbar": "The document has been forwarded.",
"Documents.HandOver.Modal.SnackbarError": "The document has been withdrawn.",
"Documents.HandOver.Modal.Title": "Forward the document",
"Documents.HandOver.Modal.UserIsParticipiantError": "The selected user is already the recipient of the document. Select another user.",
"Documents.HandOver.Modal.UsersList.LoadError": "An error occurred while loading the list of users.",
"Documents.HandOver.Modal.UsersList.NoResult": "No recipient found.",
"Documents.HandOver.Modal.UsersList.SearchError.Header": "Error during search",
"Documents.HandOver.Modal.UsersList.SearchError.Text": "An error occurred while searching for users.",
"Documents.HandOver.Modal.UsersList.UserAdded": "Already has access",
"Documents.HandOverRestricted.Modal.List.HandOverDocument": "Forward the document to another person in your company",
"Documents.HandOverRestricted.Modal.List.OneClickHandover": "Forward documents with one click",
"Documents.HandOverRestricted.Modal.List.RestartProcess": "No need to restart the process",
"Documents.HandOverRestricted.Modal.Subtitle": "Effortlessly send documents for signing with one click!",
"Documents.HandOverRestricted.Modal.Title": "Improve your plan and share documents with other users",
"Documents.Header": "Documents",
"Documents.History.NoHistoryTitle": "No history",
"Documents.LeftDocumentsListWarning.Modal.BoxNotification.Text": "Currently, you can sign 50 documents requiring an Autenti e-signature at the same time.",
"Documents.LeftDocumentsListWarning.Modal.Subtitle": "When you switch to mass signing mode, the selection of documents will not be retained and you will need to select the documents to be signed again.",
"Documents.LeftDocumentsListWarning.Modal.Title": "The selection of documents will not be retained",
"Documents.List.Button.SignBulk": "Switch to mass signature mode",
"Documents.List.Button.SignBulk.Restricted.Tooltip": "The mass signature functionality requires an additional purchase. To enable the functionality, please contact the Sales Department.",
"Documents.List.DocumentNotFound.Description": "Search for a different phrase or try removing and adjusting the applied filters.",
"Documents.List.DocumentNotFound.Subtext": "Try removing or adjusting the filters you applied",
"Documents.List.DocumentNotFound.Text": "Document not found",
"Documents.List.Error.Header": "Error during loading",
"Documents.List.Error.Subheader": "Try again and refresh the document list.",
"Documents.List.Title.Archived": "Archives",
"Documents.List.Title.Drafts": "Drafts",
"Documents.List.Title.Received": "Received",
"Documents.List.Title.Sent": "Sent",
"Documents.List.Title.Shared": "Shared documents",
"Documents.ListItem.Status.BPAProcess.Tooltip": "The document sent through an automated process.",
"Documents.MobileApp.Modal.Cancel": "Maybe later",
"Documents.MobileApp.Modal.Description": "Have all your documents at hand and sign them anywhere",
"Documents.MobileApp.Modal.Download": "Download the app",
"Documents.MobileApp.Modal.Title": "The mobile app is now accessible!",
"Documents.Participants.Me": "me",
"Documents.Participants.Sender.To": "to",
"Documents.Participants.To": "By:",
"Documents.Plan.Changes.Modal.ChangesList.DocumentLimit": "Free transmission of 3 signature documents per month on a FREE plan.",
"Documents.Plan.Changes.Modal.ChangesList.Title": "What will change?",
"Documents.Plan.Changes.Modal.Subheader": "From 1 July 2024 users on the free Autenti plan will not be able to send new documents for signature. Unlimited document uploading remains available on paid plans.",
"Documents.Plan.Changes.Modal.SuperAdmin.Contact.List.Title": "Inform your Super Administrator:",
"Documents.Plan.Changes.Modal.Title": "Upcoming changes to the Autenti platform",
"Documents.Search.Placeholder": "Document name, recipient...",
"Documents.Sender.CurrentUser": "Me:",
"Documents.Sender.From": "From:",
"Documents.SendingDocumentsForbiddenModal.Subheader": "To send documents upgrade to a paid plan.",
"Documents.SendingDocumentsForbiddenModal.Title": "You cannot send documents",
"Documents.Shared.Restricted.Desc": "Ask your company account manager to assign you to a shared label. Depending on the permissions you set, you will be able to:",
"Documents.Shared.Restricted.Feature1": "Add a label when sending documents.",
"Documents.Shared.Restricted.Feature2": "View a document, download, withdraw or send reminders to recipients of a document with a given label.",
"Documents.Shared.Restricted.Header": "Upgrade your plan and access shared documents",
"Documents.Snackbar.Info.Archived": "The document has been archived.",
"Documents.Snackbar.Info.Archived.Plural": "The documents have been archived.",
"Documents.Snackbar.Info.RemovedFromFolder": "The document has been deleted from the folder.",
"Documents.Snackbar.Info.RemovedFromFolder.Plural": "Documents were removed from the folder.",
"Documents.Snackbar.Info.Unarchived": "The document has been restored.",
"Documents.Snackbar.Info.Unarchived.Plural": "The documents have been restored.",
"Documents.Snackbar.Withdrawn": "The document has been withdrawn.",
"Documents.Snackbar.Withdrawn.Plural": "The documents have been withdrawn.",
"Documents.Status.AccessBlocked": "Access blocked",
"Documents.Status.Draft": "Draft",
"Documents.Status.Failed": "Rejected",
"Documents.Status.Processing": "Waiting for others",
"Documents.Status.SigningInProgress": "During the signing",
"Documents.Status.Success": "Completed",
"Documents.Status.ToApprove": "To be approved",
"Documents.Status.ToReview": "Waiting for the opinion",
"Documents.Status.ToSign": "To be signed",
"Documents.Status.ToView": "To be displayed",
"Documents.Status.Withdrawn": "Withdrawn",
"Documents.ToSign": "Documents to be signed",
"Documents.WelcomeBanner.Autenti.Academy": "Autenti Academy",
"Documents.WelcomeBanner.Header": "Receive and send documents via Autenti",
"Documents.WelcomeBanner.Subheader": "This recording will guide you through the process of sending a document for signing. Learn more at {academy_link}",
"Documents.Withdraw.Modal.Subtitle": "By withdrawing a document, you will no longer be able to view it",
"Documents.Withdraw.Modal.Title.Plural": "Withdraw document",
"Documents.Withdraw.Modal.Withdrawn": "Withdraw document",
"Documents.Withdraw.Modal.Withdrawn.Plural": "Withdraw documents",
"DocumentsCount.Documents": "Documents: {count}",
"DocumentsCount.Documents.From": "of",
"DocumentsCount.Results": "Results: {count}",
"DocumentsSigned.ProgressOfTotal": "Documents signed: {progress} of {total}",
"DocumentsSigning.WithDots": "Signing documents...",
"DocumentTabs.Details": "Details",
"DocumentTabs.History": "History",
"DocumentTabs.Recipients": "Recipients",
"Error.TagAlreadyExists": "The folder name already exists. Enter a different name.",
"FeatureCard.FoldersRestricted.Feature1": "create new folders,",
"FeatureCard.FoldersRestricted.Feature2": "add documents to selected folders.",
"FeatureCard.FoldersRestricted.Footer": "If you have previously accessed this functionality and created folders, these will be restored when the {plan} is activated.",
"FeatureCard.FoldersRestricted.Subtitle": "Purchase Plan {plan} and organise your documents in folders of your choice. With access you can:",
"FeatureCard.FoldersRestricted.Title": "Go to {plan} and access document folders",
"FeatureCard.FoldersRestricted.UpgradePlan": "Upgrade the plan to {plan}",
"Filters.Selected": "Selected:",
"Folder.Button.Actions.EditName": "Edit name",
"Folder.Button.Actions.Remove": "Delete",
"Folder.Created": "Folder created.",
"Folder.Removed": "Folder deleted.",
"FolderNameModal.Button.Create": "Create",
"FolderNameModal.Edit.Title": "Edit folder name",
"Folders.Empty.Header": "Add your first folder",
"Folders.Empty.Subheader": "Streamline your document organization with folders.",
"Folders.Removed": "Folders deleted.",
"Folders.ShowAll": "Show all",
"Folders.ShowLess": "Show less",
"FoldersList.Date.Created": "Created",
"FoldersRestricted.Message": "Go to {plan} and organise documents in folders.",
"FoldersRestricted.UpgradePlan": "Upgrade the plan to {plan}",
"Global.Approve": "Approve",
"Global.Back": "Return",
"Global.Backward": "Back",
"Global.BulkSigning": "Sign en masse",
"Global.BulkSigningMode": "Mass signature mode",
"Global.BulkSigningProcess": "Mass signing",
"Global.BuyNow": "Buy now",
"Global.BW2024url": "https://autenti.com/en/black-weeks",
"Global.Cancel": "Cancel",
"Global.ChangesSaved": "Changes saved.",
"Global.Close": "Close",
"Global.Compare": "Compare",
"Global.ContactUs": "Contact us",
"Global.CreateFolder": "Create a folder",
"Global.Declarations": "Statements",
"Global.Delete": "Delete",
"Global.Details": "Details",
"Global.Document.See": "See document",
"Global.DocumentExcluded": "The document was excluded.",
"Global.DocumentRejected": "Document rejected",
"Global.DocumentSent": "The document was sent to the recipients.",
"Global.DocumentsSigned": "Documents signed",
"Global.DocumentWithdrawn": "Document withdrawn",
"Global.Edit": "Edit",
"Global.EditDate": "Edit date",
"Global.Email.Copied": "E-mail address copied",
"Global.Error": "Oops... Something went wrong, please try again.",
"Global.ExcludeDocument": "Exclude document",
"Global.Expand": "Expand",
"Global.Extend": "Enlarge",
"Global.ExtraPaid": "Additionally payable",
"Global.FolderName": "Folder name",
"Global.Folders": "Folders",
"Global.Go.To.Dashboard": "Go to main panel",
"Global.Go.To.Documents": "Go to my documents",
"Global.GoToDocuments": "Go to documents",
"Global.Hide": "Hide",
"Global.IdentificationDocument": "Identification document",
"Global.LoadList.Error": "An error occurred while loading the list.",
"Global.ManageSubscription": "Manage your subscription",
"Global.MaybeLater": "Maybe later",
"Global.MyFolders": "My folders",
"Global.Name": "First name",
"Global.Name.Placeholder": "Enter company name",
"Global.NameAndRecipients": "Name and recipients",
"Global.NameAndSender": "Name and sender",
"Global.Next": "Next",
"Global.Nip": "TAX ID NIP",
"Global.Not.Show.Again": "Do not show again",
"Global.NotNow": "Maybe later",
"Global.Now": "Now",
"Global.PESEL": "PESEL",
"Global.Position": "Job title",
"Global.ProcessStarted": "The process has started!",
"Global.ProgressOfTotal": "{progress} of {total}",
"Global.Ready": "Done!",
"Global.ReceiveDate": "Date of delivery",
"Global.Refresh": "Refresh",
"Global.Return": "Return",
"Global.Review": "Give your opinion",
"Global.SaveChanges": "Save changes",
"Global.SearchCountry.Placeholder": "Search for country",
"Global.SearchPrefix.NoResults.Description": "Check if the entered data is correct. You can search by country code or prefix.",
"Global.SearchPrefix.NoResults.Title": "No such prefix",
"Global.See": "See",
"Global.SentDate": "Date of dispatch",
"Global.Shared": "Shared",
"Global.ShareYourFeedback": "Share your opinion",
"Global.ShowMore": "Show more",
"Global.Sign": "Sign",
"Global.SignDocuments": "Sign the documents",
"Global.SigningError": "Signing error",
"Global.Skip": "Complete",
"Global.SmsCode": "SMS code",
"Global.SmsMessage": "SMS message",
"Global.StartDate": "Start date",
"Global.Status": "Status",
"Global.SubmitAnswers": "Send answers",
"Global.Surname": "Surname",
"Global.To": "To",
"Global.TryAgain": "Try again",
"Global.TryOut": "Try",
"Global.Understand": "I understand",
"Global.Undo": "Back",
"Global.UpgradeNow": "Upgrade now",
"Global.UpgradePlan": "Upgrade your plan",
"Global.View": "View",
"Global.WantToUse": "I want to get",
"Global.You": "(You)",
"Guide.Step.Bookmarks.Desc": "Here you will find all your documents sorted into specific tabs.",
"Guide.Step.Bookmarks.Title": "Bookmarks",
"Guide.Step.bulkSigning.Desc": "You will get into mass signature mode by clicking on the \"Mass signature mode\" button in the list of received documents. Here you will see the documents that you can sign in bulk.",
"Guide.Step.bulkSigningCheckbox.Desc": "You can now sign documents requiring an Autenti e-signature in bulk. Select up to 50 available documents that you want to sign during one process. Remember that in the case of documents with SMS authorisation, you can sign at the same time those that are sent to the same phone number.",
"Guide.Step.bulkSigningCheckbox.Title": "Mark documents for signature",
"Guide.Step.bulkSigningSignButton.Desc": "Click on the \"Sign\" button and start the process of mass-signing the selected documents.",
"Guide.Step.bulkSigningSignButton.Title": "Go to signing",
"Guide.Step.CreateDocument.Desc": "You will create a new document here.",
"Guide.Step.CreateDocument.Title": "Creation of a document",
"Guide.Step.DocumentList.Desc": "Here you will find a list of all documents in a given category.",
"Guide.Step.DocumentList.Title": "List of documents",
"Guide.Step.DocumentTypes.Desc": "You can quickly switch between all your documents and those you only share with others.",
"Guide.Step.DocumentTypes.Title": "Document switch",
"Guide.Step.Filters.Desc": "Here you can use the document search engine and filter all documents in any way you like.",
"Guide.Step.Filters.Title": "Search engine and filters",
"Guide.Step.Folders.Desc": "Here you will find all the folders you have created with their associated documents.",
"Guide.Step.Folders.Title": "Folders",
"LisError.Unknown": "Unknown error has occurred",
"More.Button.Aria.Label": "More actions",
"NewDocumentsDesignModal.Subtitle": "Receive and send documents more efficiently than ever. Create folders and organise documents in them to stay organised.",
"NewDocumentsDesignModal.Title": "The new look of the document panel is here!",
"OneTimeCodeMessage.Content": "Your one-time code is . It will allow you to sign the documents.",
"Page404.Header": "Sorry, we couldn't find the page you were looking for.",
"Page404.Subheader": "It is possible that the website address you entered does not exist. Visit the {faq} page or contact our Customer Service Office:",
"PlanPromoBanner.Text": "Save 20% on the purchase of the PRO Plan and send documents without restrictions",
"PreviewDocument.Modal.Error.Header": "Error loading document content",
"PreviewDocument.Modal.Error.Subheader": "Try again and refresh the document.",
"PromoBanner.RenewableAnnualPayment.FirstPeriod.Text": "Renewable annual payment, 20% off for the first billing period, with code {code}, when you buy an annual subscription!",
"PromoBanner.RenewableAnnualPayment.Text": "Renewable annual payment, 20% off, with code {code} when purchasing an annual subscription!",
"Recipient.List.Badge.Approved": "Approved",
"Recipient.List.Badge.ApproveWaiting": "To be approved",
"Recipient.List.Badge.HandedOver": "Forwarded",
"Recipient.List.Badge.NotApproved": "Approved",
"Recipient.List.Badge.Reviewed": "Reviewed",
"Recipient.List.Badge.ReviewWaiting": "Waiting for the review",
"Recipient.List.Badge.Signed": "Signed",
"Recipient.List.Badge.SigningCancelled": "No decision",
"Recipient.List.Badge.SigningRejected": "Rejected",
"Recipient.List.Badge.SignWaiting": "To be signed",
"Recipient.List.Badge.Viewed": "Displayed",
"Recipient.List.Badge.ViewWaiting": "For inspection",
"Recipients.Divider.InOrder": "Recipients in line for signature",
"Recipients.Divider.OutOfOrder": "Recipients out of order of signing",
"Recipients.List.AdvancedSignatureRaportModal.Result": "Result",
"Recipients.List.AdvancedSignatureRaportModal.Title": "Verification report",
"Recipients.List.AdvancedSignatureRaportModal.VerificationCriterion": "Verification criteria",
"Recipients.List.AdvancedSignatureVerificationButton": "See the report",
"Recipients.List.AdvancedSignatureVerificationStatus.Error": "Negative verification. {seeButton}",
"Recipients.List.AdvancedSignatureVerificationStatus.Success": "Positive verification. {seeButton}",
"Recipients.List.CompanyName": "Company name",
"Recipients.List.PhoneNumber": "Phone number",
"Recipients.List.RemindButton.Tooltip": "Remind",
"Recipients.List.RemindButton.Tooltip.Blocked": "A reminder can be sent once every 15 minutes.",
"Recipients.List.RemindButton.Tooltip.NotSupported": "The \"Remind\" functionality, for a document sent as part of a process, will be available soon.",
"RemoveFolder.Modal.Button": "Delete folder",
"RemoveFolder.Modal.Description": "Deleting a folder will remove all documents contained in it. The documents will still be available in your received documents.",
"RemoveFolder.Modal.Title": "Delete folder",
"RemoveFolders.Modal.Button": "Delete folders",
"RemoveFolders.Modal.Description": "Deleting folders will remove all documents contained in them. The documents will still be available in your received documents.",
"RemoveFolders.Modal.Title": "Delete folders",
"SessionExpiry.Button.Label": "Extend session.",
"SessionExpiry.Description": "You will be logged out due to inactivity. Extend session.",
"SessionExpiry.Title": "Your session is about to expire",
"SharedDocs.Sidebar.All": "All",
"SideBar.eDeliveryTooltip": "e-Delivery - new functionality available free of charge. Test it and share your opinion.",
"SideBar.eDeliveryTooltipLink": "Leave a feedback",
"Sidebar.SegmentedControl.MyDocuments": "My",
"Signature.Type.Advanced": "Advanced Autenti e-Signature",
"Signature.Type.Autenti": "Autenti E-signature",
"Signature.Type.Qualified": "Qualified signature",
"SmsCode.LimitExceeded.SignOtherDocumentsNow": "Some documents do not require SMS authorisation. You can sign them right now.",
"SmsCode.LimitExceeded.TryAgainAt": "You have exceeded the limit of codes sent. Please try again at {time}.",
"SmsCode.Sent.LimitLeft": "Code sent! Remaining code limit: {attemptsLeft}.",
"SmsCodeError.AttemptsLeft": "The SMS code is invalid. Other attempts: {attemptsLeft}",
"SmsCodeError.DocumentsWithAuthorization.BlockedUntil": "Documents with SMS authorisation have been blocked, try again at {time}.",
"SmsCodeError.DocumentsWithAuthorization.LastAttemptError": "The SMS code is incorrect. This is the last attempt, if you enter the wrong code again, access to documents with SMS authorisation will be blocked for 1 hour.",
"StartupModals.BW2024.Description": "Streamline your document processes, sign contracts faster, and get rid of paperwork hassles - all for half the price! Sign up and get 50% off all our annual subscription plans!",
"StartupModals.BW2024.Title": "Sign more, spend less!",
"StartupModals.Feedback.Description": "If you would like to share your opinion on the Autenti platform, now is a great opportunity to do so. Thanks to the opinions of users like you, others can more easily make a decision related to choosing the right solution for their company.",
"StartupModals.Feedback.Title": "Your feedback will make Autenti better!",
"StartupModals.NewPayment.Description": "Introducing monthly plans! Choose the flexibility of monthly payments or save with an annual subscription. Upgrade your account in just a few clicks to get continuous access to Autenti to send and sign an unlimited number of documents!",
"StartupModals.NewPayment.Title": "New payment options are available now!",
"StartupModals.NewPayments.Description": "Use the discount code {code} and save with a one-year subscription! Upgrade your account in just a few clicks to gain continuous access to Autenti and send and sign an unlimited number of documents!",
"StartupModals.NewPayments.Title": "Explore Autenti subscriptions and save 20%",
"StartupModals.NewPayments.Title.Discount": "Subscribe and save with Autenti",
"Survery.LoadQuestionsError": "An error occurred while loading the questions.",
"Survey.Description": "Answer some additional questions so that we can better tailor Autenti to your needs:",
"Survey.WelcomeToAutenti": "Welcome to Autenti!",
"TopNav.Support": "Help Centre",
"TopNav.UpgradePlan": "Upgrade your plan",
"TrialBanner.Text": "You are using a 14-day free trial period, which expires in {daysLeft}.",
"TrialModal.ButtonLabel": "Get started!",
"TrialModal.ListItem1": "Sending documents to multiple recipients",
"TrialModal.ListItem2": "Arranging the order of signatures",
"TrialModal.ListItem3": "Limit of 10 documents to send",
"TrialModal.ListItem4": "Possibility to define the role of the recipient",
"TrialModal.ListItem5": "Address book",
"TrialModal.ListItem6": "Digital archive",
"TrialModal.ListItem7": "Option to withdraw the document and remind you to sign",
"TrialModal.ListTitle": "With the trial period you gain:",
"TrialModal.Subtitle": "You will start a 14-day free trial. Discover the benefits of electronic signing, collaboration with your team and streamlining document flow.",
"TrialModal.Title": "Discover the possibilities of the Autenti platform for 14 days for free!",
"TrialTopBanner.Text": "You benefit from a 14-day free trial period, which expires {daysLeft}.",
"Unknown.Error": "Refresh the page",
"UnknownError.Header": "Unknown error",
"UnknownError.Subheader": "An unexpected error has occurred. Please try to reload the page in a few minutes or contact our Customer Service if the problem persists:",
"UnsupportedBrowser.Header": "Unfortunately, we do not support the browser you are using...",
"UnsupportedBrowser.Subheader": "To use our application without any problems, please use one of the following browsers",
"Validation.Email.Invalid": "Incorrect email format. Please enter a valid email address.",
"ValidationError.ConsentRequired": "This consent is required.",
"ValidationError.InvalidFieldLength": "The field should contain no more than {numberOfChars} characters.",
"ValidationError.InvalidPhoneNumber": "The mobile phone number is incorrect.",
"ValidationError.InvalidSMSCode": "The SMS code is invalid.",
"ValidationError.Required": "This field is required.",
"ValidationError.RequiredUser": "The recipient of the document has not been selected."